Use the Eatwell Guide to help you get a balance of healthier and more sustainable food.
It shows how much of what you eat overall should come from each food group.
Adult portion guide
Information below from Skilled for Health, Crown Copyright
Fruit and vegetables
(fibre, vitamins and minerals for healthy bodies)
At least 5 portions per day
1 medium pear, apple or orange = 1 portion
3 large tablespoons of tinned fruit = 1 portion
1 small glass of fruit juice = 1 portion
2 large tablespoons of vegetables = 1 portion
1 small bowl of salad = 1 portion
Bread, cereal, rice, pasta and potatoes
(carbohydrates for energy)
6-11 portions per day
1 slice of bread = 1 portion
3 heaped tablespoons of cooked pasta or cereal = 1 portion
2 small potatoes = 1 portion
2 tablespoons of cooked rice = 1 portion
Meat, fish, eggs, soya, beans, lentils, nuts etc.
(protein and minerals e.g. iron for growth and health)
About 2 portions per day
Try to include fish at least twice a week, one of these should be oily fish (for example salmon, mackerel, sardines)
3 slices of meat, poultry or fish = 1 portion
About the size of a pack of playing cards = 1 portion
About 75g = 1 portion
1 egg = 1 portion
4 tablespoons of cooked beans = 1 portion
(calcium for bones and teeth, fats for energy)
About 2-3 portions per day
1 glass of milk = 1 portion
1 small yogurt = 1 portion
1 matchbox sized piece of cheese = 1 portion